Montenegro is the last country in Europe to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is also the first to boast the status of a corona free destination after 68 days of the first recorded cases of infection. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is great interest when Montenegro will open its borders and approve the arrival of foreign citizens in our country.

For now, it is possible to come to Montenegro only by small private planes, but we expect additional liberalization of air and road traffic soon, which is still approved only for trucks and transfers organized through diplomatic missions.

The National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases has approved the opening of the Airports of Montenegro. As of May 20, general aviation flights with a maximum of ten passengers are allowed.

Crew and passengers are required to wear masks during and after the flight and inside the airport building. The crew must remain on the plane during the rotation, and if necessary, they can leave the aircraft in the parking area. Passengers must have a negative PCR test for SARS-COV-2 not older than 48 hours, as well as the crew if they enter Montenegro.

Upon arrival in Montenegro, passengers are issued a certificate that they are under health control, which includes regular self-monitoring of signs and symptoms of the disease. If they feel any signs and symptoms, they are required to report to a local epidemiologist.

Passengers arriving in Montenegro on general aviation flights are not required to stay in quarantine for 14 or 28 days, which is a rule that applies to Montenegrin citizens returning to their country organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
